Increase in VAT rates on 1 January 2024

Following the votation on 25 September 2022, the Swiss people have accepted an increase in VAT rates. It is planned to come into force on 1 January 2024.

From 1 January 2024, the following tax rates will apply:

Previous rates valid until 31 December 2023

New rates valid from 1 January 2024

Standard rate



Reduced rate



Special rate for services in the accommodation sector



In which cases should the previous tax rates be applied? And in which cases should the new rates be applied?

Infographie_new rate TVA_ENG

Are you ready to apply the changes in VAT rates on 1 January 2024?

The necessary adaptations in the systems are often complex and require some preparation time. As the entry into force is scheduled for 1 January 2024, there is still enough time for companies to put the necessary measures in place.

Nevertheless, we recommend that an action plan is put in place to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible and that the systems take into account the new rates as well as the old VAT rates.

Our VAT team will be delighed to assist you and/or answer your questions.

Contact us

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