
Empowering a sustainable future and mitigating risks by addressing biodiversity conservation

Addressing biodiversity issues is vital for companies as it directly impacts ecosystem health, resilience, and sustainability. Loss of biodiversity poses risks across sectors, disrupting supply chains, increasing costs, and inviting regulatory uncertainties. Integrating biodiversity into operations mitigates risks, enhances resilience, and fosters innovation. Proactive conservation efforts also demonstrate corporate responsibility, building trust and enhancing reputation. Ultimately, prioritising biodiversity secures long-term viability in a changing world. 

Focus on biodiversity  

While in recent years the focus of corporate environmental management has been on climate protection, biodiversity is now gaining in importance. Various standards and regulations are currently being developed to define a framework for entrepreneurial commitment regarding biodiversity. 

Biodiversity encompasses the diversity of all living organisms, habitats, and ecosystems on land, in freshwater, in the oceans and in the air. The objective here is to strengthen the resilience of our planet and our society to stop and reverse the destruction of our natural environment. One important organisation is the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN), which aims to transform economic systems, provide feasible biodiversity targets and protect nature, by complementing the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).  

Our approach to biodiversity 

Our approach is based on a deep understanding of the impact that companies have on biodiversity and their dependencies on ecosystem services. This enables our experts to identify the key biodiversity issues for your company and to set up processes to manage these in a targeted manner. 

As biodiversity is an issue that transcends boundaries, our work involves cooperating with, and exchanging information with, other areas within your company, for example in the field of climate protection. Companies often already collect biodiversity data (e.g., with regards to water management, climate protection, or waste management), which they can access as part of their biodiversity strategy. 

Our services to address biodiversity challenges 

Our experts begin by developing an individualised roadmap for you. This implies analysing whether biodiversity is a key issue for you, and what your reporting obligations are. We thereby use regulatory frameworks such as the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), and voluntary standards and ESG ratings and TNFD recommendations. Building on this, our expert teams work with you to identify key areas of activity, goals, and the strategic orientation of your corporate biodiversity management. 

1. Impact and dependency assessment 

  • Analysis of effects and dependencies of companies processes and upstream and downstream value chain to identify biodiversity risks and opportunities

2. Strategy development 

  • Derivation of indicators and incorporation thereof into verifiable data collection processes 
  • Identification of measures and targets in accordance with SBTN guidelines  
  • Development of a biodiversity strategy consolidating key areas of activity along with your goals and KPIs 

3. Ensuring compliance and the fulfilment of requirements 

  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory and voluntary standards and frameworks (ESRS, SBTN, TNFD) 
  • Implementation and application of the ESRS E4 reporting standard of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards which define requirements related to ⁠biodiversity⁠, species, and ecosystems 

4. Environmental Management System 

In addition to our comprehensive range of services for addressing biodiversity issues and environmental sustainability, we also offer ISO 14001 advisory and internal audit services. ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard for environmental management systems, and our advisory and internal audit services in this area further demonstrate our commitment to helping clients improve their environmental performance and manage their impacts on biodiversity. These services complement our holistic approach, providing practical implementation support alongside strategic guidance. 

Our added value 

Our dedicated team creates personalised solutions by carefully listening and understanding each company’s challenges. We are proud to have biologists as part of our project team, enabling us to fully grasp the intricacies of the issues and interactions involved. Through open communication we ensure that our individual solutions meet our clients’ unique needs.” 

By partnering with us, your company gains not only full regulatory compliance but also high voluntary standards. This ensures not just comprehensive compliance, but also sets you apart from competitors in the market, all while contributing to achieving "Nature Positive" solutions. Enhancing your reputation in this way significantly boosts your ESG ratings and meets the ranking requirements. 

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