Payroll and HR

In Switzerland, one in five pay slips is currently produced on Abacus. The payroll module is Swissdec certified and satisfies the requirements and regulations of all 26 cantons as well as Swiss federal directives. It can also be adapted to meet the needs of your field of activity and can produce a wide range of reports.

Thanks to significant advances in digital technology, the payroll module can be driven by data from the Human Resources module to facilitate recruitment procedures but also by Abacus digital solutions to avoid double data entry. Our experts can guide you through the transition to an optimal and efficient payroll and HR tracking system. They can also assist you with payroll issues.

Digital solutions for payroll and HR

Employee Self-Service portal

The employee portal allows employees to pre-register changes to some of their personal data and submit requests to HR managers. Pre-entry of data saves time when producing monthly pay slips.

Employees can also have access to their payslips at all times.

Employee portal - for HR use

The web-portal allows HR managers to easily have an overview of their employees metrics using dashboards, depending on your company's needs.


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