Cyber security & data protection

Build technological resilience so you can operate with confidence
The increasing digitisation of our everyday lives, the ever-growing regulation in the area of cyber security and data protection, the geopolitical environment, and the growing professionalisation of criminal hackers mean that cyber security and data protection are top priorities for most companies.

Our approach for cyber security & data protection

With technology evolving at a fast pace, it is more important than ever to protect your systems and data. Security challenges are constantly arising, making it more difficult to protect data and information from theft, damage and misuse. Cyber security breaches can have significant financial, reputational and legal consequences for organisations. 

With the number of cyber threats escalating, it has become one of the largest concerns for a wide range of stakeholders including boards, investors and customers. Successfully managing threats to systems and data requires a proactive and adaptive approach.

Our team of cyber specialists will help you to implement a framework that will enable you to adequately and continuously monitor key activities and put you in a position to quickly react to cyber attacks as they emerge. We will help you assess your internal and external cyber risks, as well as develop and strengthen your cyber security and resilience.

Our solutions regarding cyber security & data protection

We have developed a range of offerings to best protect the integrity, availability and confidentiality of your systems and data. Each is tailored to ensure maximum benefit. We believe that compliance should be achieved with minimal business disruption, as this is another form of penalty that should be considered in addition to potential fines for noncompliance. We take the time to understand your organisation and can help wherever you are in your compliance journey.

Cyber security assessment

  • Maturity assessments and gap analyses
  • Assessment of internal and external cyber risks
  • Development of a cyber security strategy as well as development of cyber security policies

Third party risk management

  • Third party risk assessment
  • Third party monitoring (incl. ISAE3000, ISAE3402, SOC2, SOC3)
  • Compliance assessment of third parties with regard to regulatory requirements for data security

Incident response management

  • Planning as well as conception of an integral incident response management (including Security Operations Center)
  • Development of incident response plans
  • Cyber forensics: support in the processing and analysis of cyber incidents as well as in the collection of evidence after cyber security incidents

Operational resilience

  • Operational resilience maturity assessments and gap analyses
  • Business continuity and recovery management, including identification of business-critical functions
  • Crisis management and crisis communication, as well as emergency and crisis exercises

 Vulnerability assessment

  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Penetration testing, including red-teaming and physical penetration
  • Social engineering and phishing simulations

Identity & access Management (IAM)

  • IAM conception
  • IAM audit
  • Support for the technical implementation of the IAM

CISO Support

  • Accompaniment as well as support in the preparation and follow-up of cyber security audits and controls by internal or external supervisory bodies
  • Cyber security awareness trainings and campaigns
  • CISO interim management

Our cyber security team

Our experts engage with clients across the globe helping you meet regulatory and compliance requirements in your regions. Our specialists hold globally recognised certifications and have experience of working with global standards.

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