Mazars patron of "Genève pour le Bien Commun"

Mazars is very pleased to continue its patronage of "Genève pour le Bien Commun".

"Genève pour le Bien Commun" is a fundraising event to support the development of projects led by social entrepreneurs in Geneva. These projects respond to an identified need: education, training, disability, precariousness, reintegration, dependency, vulnerability, ecology and sustainable development. These are projects in the start-up phase, which have already demonstrated their success and need a helping hand and visibility. There is a real need for funding to continue their development. Behind these associations are promising women and men who are supporting the Geneva territory.

For the third consecutive year, Geneva will organise the "Night of the Common Good" on Monday 25 September 2023 at the Théâtre du Léman. This great evening of generosity allows associations to collect donations directly from a wide range of donors and major sponsors such as Procter & Gamble, Totalenergies, Swiss Risk & Care and Mazars.

Mazars is delighted to be able to accompany Geneva for the Common Good and to contribute to build the economic foundations of a fair and prosperous world. 

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