Webinars webcasts

Here you will find the webcasts of our webinars

Webinar "New Global Internal Audit Standards: What do they mean for companies?"

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) has further developed the content of its auditing practice and set new priorities: The new Global Internal Audit Standards were published in January of this year.

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Webcast: financial reporting 2022

Highlights from an accounting perspective

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Webcast: tips and experience sharing for properly preparing for a tax audit

How to approach a tax audit with serenity and not in a hurry? This is a question that is often asked after the announcement of an imminent tax audit.

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Webcast VAT and e-commerce: new European rules, what implications for Swiss e-retailers?

VAT in the European Union is constantly changing and the latest changes in e-commerce are forcing Swiss e-retailers to reconsider their cross-border business procedures.

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Webcast: financial reporting 2021

Highlights from an accounting and tax perspective

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Webcast: revision of company law

The revision of the company law, which has been postponed for many years, finally seems to be on the horizon and is likely to come into force by 2022. It does not constitute a fundamental overhaul of the principles of the law of the corporation. It is more a question of a multitude of ad hoc revisions and simplifications.

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Webcast: Simplify your business management with bexio and Mazars

Webinar in French

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Webcast: Whistleblowing and internal investigations - A current update for Swiss companies

Webinar in German

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Webcast: Equal pay - implementation and challenges of the new obligations

Despite a decrease in the gender pay gap in recent years, current statistics still show a significant difference in the Swiss labour market. Since 1 July 2020, companies with more than 100 employees must carry out an equal pay analysis, have it reviewed and communicate the results to their employees.

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Webcast Tax update 2021

The event to keep you informed of tax news

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