Archive Events

Here you find our past events.

Webinar: financial reporting 2022

Highlights from an accounting perspective

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Event: Inflation, rising interest rates and new SO - Implications for life and health insurers

Current economic and regulatory developments

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New Abacus features 2022 & focus on digital payroll

Abacus is a business software that is constantly evolving and offers new functionalities every year that are adapted to the most recent legal provisions.

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ICS round table for insurers

Reducing risks with third-party risk management - experiences from the insurance industry

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Event: Real estate funds, an effective and sustainable planning solution

Join our event on May 19,2022

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Tax update 2022

The event to keep you informed of tax news

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Webinar: tips and experience sharing for properly preparing for a tax audit

How to approach a tax audit with serenity and not in a hurry? This is a question that is often asked after the announcement of an imminent tax audit.

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Presentation of the survey results: "True and fair view" of financial statements in the Swiss SME sector

"True and fair view" accounting standards such as Swiss GAAP FER, IFRS and US GAAP play a central role nationally and internationally in conveying a true and fair view.

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ICS round table for insurers - Effectiveness audit: current issues

An effective internal control system (ICS) is an important tool for managing and achieving business objectives, which is why it is also enshrined in law.

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