Your challenges - Our added value
We understand that the insurance industry is a unique segment of the financial markets. As such, it demands significant and specific knowledge and experience.
A deep understanding of insurance
We know that the insurance industry is facing an uncertain, unstable and highly complex economic and financial environment compounded by major regulatory changes and that you are facing multifaceted challenges:
- Compliance with constantly evolving regulation and accounting standards,
- Financing your operations and growth,
- Evaluating risk and adapting your strategy to market changes,
- Providing consistent and transparent information,
- Improving your financial performance,
- Strengthening your internal controls,
- Optimising your organisation and processes.
We can help you address these issues. We are insurance experts and can tailor our approach and services to the specific needs of the insurance industry. We have one of the largest dedicated insurance teams of any professional services firm. Our market knowledge and technical expertise in a wide range of services allow us to deliver client service excellence in a seamless way.
A single integrated platform
What sets Forvis Mazars apart is the people in our insurance practice, working on a single integrated service platform, which brings together our professional experts in audit, tax and insurance advisory services.
It allows us to answer our clients’ questions in a timely and definitive manner, and to execute and deliver our services both efficiently and effectively. All appropriate procedures are implemented in order to ensure the supply of high-quality services.
We bring our extensive experience and expertise to our clients in a personalised, hands-on fashion along with great attention to detail in a cost-efficient pricing model.
Our international insurance team is made up of over 1000 professionals worldwide, including 150 actuaries dedicated to the insurance industry.
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