Digitalisation and Automation in the Insurance Industry

Digitalisation has changed the world of customer service and customer engagement rapidly. Companies are facing several touchpoints and an increasing number of incoming messages and requests. Meanwhile customers are expecting a 24/7 self-service.

In order to continue to provide an excellent customer journey, the integration of chatbots can enable Insurance companies to scale their customer-facing processes. Chatbots can process client queries, deliver product recommendations, process simple claims, assist through the purchasing process and can deliver valuable analytics insights. 

Fovis Mazars and Spixii have combined their expertise in processes, technology and deep understanding of the insurance industry. This bundled know how keeps driving efficiency, agility and performance while ensuring compliance with applicable regulation. 

Spixii automated insurance solutions are self-enriching to generate increasing value 

Award-winning Spixii conversational process automation (CPA) platform combines intelligent chatbot, connectivity hub, analytics and insights for P&C, Life and Health insurers.

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1. As a customer centric solution, Spixii intelligent chatbots guide the customer and generates key information required by the insurance process (e.g. underwriting,  touchless first notice of loss, renewal).
2. Through stringent data and security standards, Spixii connectivity hub integrates the chatbots to your insurance processes and systems, let it be legacy or modern platform.
3. Using machine learning, Spixii advanced analytics transform data in actionable insights for insurers via frequent knowledge reports laying the foundation for future iterations.


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