We offer a complete range of services tailored to the needs of the financial sector. Our ambition is to offer a quality service as well as unique and relevant solutions to our customers thanks to our in-depth knowledge of your environment.

Increased risks and regulatory requirements

Evolution of technologies

  • Support for digital transformation projects
  • Review and automation of business processes
  • Data governance and analytics
  • Realisation of POC (Proof Of Concept) based on new technologies

Transformation of organisations and business models

  • Efficiency and effectiveness (cost reduction plan, data quality, KPI)
  • Finance process ( optimisation and continuous improvement, complete overhaul)
  • Advisory services for governance bodies
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria
  • Change management
  • Strategy development and implementation
  • Market studies
  • Process Engineering
  • Organisational development
  • Project audits
  • Benchmarking

Emergence of new players

  • Assistance to Fintechs (accreditation file, constitution, control, accounting, regulatory, development)
  • Search for partnerships (benchmarks, ecosystem)

Sustainable finance

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