Payment of Stamp Duty for Electronic Instruments

The Thai Revenue Department issued Notification of the Director-General on Stamp Duty No. 58 in June 2019 together with Notification of the Director-General on Stamp Duty No. 59 in July 2019 to specify the methods to be used for paying stamp duty on electronic instruments. Those Notifications took effect on 1 July 2019.

Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, Tax, Revenue Department, Stamp Duty

08 August 2019

Electronic instruments subject to stamp duty

Electronic instruments under Notifications Nos. 58 and 59 include the following instruments prepared electronically according to the Electronic Transaction Law:

  • Hire-of-work agreements
  • Loan agreements or bank overdraft agreements
  • Powers of attorney
  • Proxies for voting at a company meeting
  • Suretyship contracts

Methods for paying stamp duty

The methods for paying stamp duty are as follows:

1. Submit Form Or.Sor.9 to the Revenue Department through:

The person liable to pay stamp duty must submit Form Or.Sor. 9 and pay the stamp duty before executing the instrument, or within 15 days of the date following that on which the instrument was executed. Payment shall be made by transferring money to the Revenue Department’s bank account electronically. Payment of stamp duty shall be completed when the code confirming payment together with the receipt issued by the Revenue Department is received in the following ways:

  • For Form Or.Sor. 9 submitted though the Revenue Department’s web site, the code and receipt can be downloaded from the Revenue Department’s web site.
  • For Form Or.Sor. 9 submitted through the Revenue Department’s API, the code and receipt can be obtained from the API.

This method applies to electronic instruments executed from 1 July 2019 onwards.

2. Submit Form Or.Sor. 4 and pay stamp duty in cash at the local area Revenue Department office. The receipt shall be issued by an official upon receiving payment.

This method applies to electronic instruments executed during the period from 1 July 2019 through 31 December 2020.

Therefore, for electronic instruments executed during the period from 1 July 2019 through 31 December 2020, either method can be used to pay stamp duty.  

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