IFRS Foundation appoints two new Trustees
Keywords: Mazars, Thailand, IFRS, IASB, Appointment
25 February 2022
Jorge Familiar is originally from Mexico. He is currently Vice-President for Finance and Group Controller at the World Bank. He has recently been appointed Vice-President and Treasurer from 1 January 2022.
Keiko Tashiro is from Japan and is Deputy President at Daiwa Securities, a post she has held since 2019.
Jorge and Keiko will replace Guillermo Babatz and Kazuyuki Masu respectively, when their terms come to an end at the close of 2021.
These appointments and re-appointments are for a term of three years, beginning on 1 January 2022, and have been approved by the IFRS Monitoring Board, a group of capital market authorities to whom the Trustees are accountable.
Readers will remember that the IFRS Foundation Trustees are responsible for the strategy, governance and oversight of the Foundation, as well as of the IASB and the newly-created ISSB.