One year of SAF-T reporting: challenges and opportunities regarding the D406 statement
The complexity of the legal requirements and structure of the SAF-T reporting has made it difficult for taxpayers to comply with the legislation without support.
To help you submit your statements successfully, we have developed an IT tool and we are ready to support your company navigate the challenges that may appear in the following year(s).
If you would like to find out more about how we can address your needs with the help of our specialised SAF-T IT tool, watch the recording of our webinar below.
Un an de la implementarea sistemului de raportare SAF T Declarația D406, provocări și oportunități
Pentru a vă ajuta să depuneți declarațiile SAF-T cu succes și a face față provocărilor care pot apărea în perioada următoare, am dezvoltat o gamă de instrumente IT.
Dacă doriți să aflați mai multe informații despre modul în care putem răspunde nevoilor dumneavoastră prin intermediul instrumentelor IT, vizionați înregistrarea webinarului nostru, care a avut loc în data de 29 martie, la ora 10.00.
On the agenda:
- What’s new: structure changes, reporting catalogues, new penalties.
- How do we ensure the completeness and accuracy of the declaration? Handling errors encountered in reporting, the declaration review process.
- How do we use the SAF-T reporting as a tool to verify the accuracy of periodic tax reporting?
Register and check our IT tools out
On the development of our IT tools, we have focused on technical accuracy in line with relevant legislation, data security and archiving, ease of use and flexibility both for regular users and future developments that would allow the generation of other tax returns and declarations in addition to D406.
Monica Petrea, Tax Director, Mazars in Romania
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