Tax inspections - what to expect in the coming period?

Although formally, the tax inspections/controls were conducted both online and offline, the topics addressed by the inspection teams remained largely the same.

Our specialists presented the risk factors that may lead to a tax inspection, the main areas of focus for VAT and direct tax inspectors, the risk analysis performed by the authorities on transactions with related persons, the taxpayers' options in case the authorities decide to adjust transfer pricing, the best practices in terms of interaction with the tax authorities during audits.

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The webinar was moderated by Bianca Vlad, Tax Partner. 

  • How do we prepare for tax inspections?
  • How do we interact with the tax inspection team - what should we expect?
  • The main areas of interest addressed by inspectors during the tax inspection - VAT, corporate tax and income tax
  • What are the requirements for the transfer pricing control and how it should be fulfilled? 


  • Liviu Gheorghiu, Director, Tax
  • Mihaela Hampu, Senior Manager, Tax
  • Cristian Botezatu, Senior Manager, Tax

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