CEE webinar: Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the financial industry

PCAF has issued a standard with the ambition to do a qualified estimate of emissions related to financial products (cases of investments, insurance portfolios, etc.). How do banks and insurance companies embrace this standard? Register via button below & join the experts at our webinar.

Register here

The standard provides banks, insurance companies and other stakeholders in financial sector with harmonized aproach to measure emissions in cases typical for finance industry, such as:

  • Help financial institutions to manage their portfolio
  • Notify climate strategies and actions to develop innovative financial products that tend to the transition toward a net-zero emissions economy
  • Assess climate-related risks
  • Report to stakeholders

Join us at the webinar to discover more about:

Why should banks’ and insurance companies’ (future) clients be aware of the standard and its methodology? How do the banks and financial institutions manage portfolios in terms of carbon footprint? What information are they looking for with their clients? How can aligning to the Taxonomy mitigate the shortfalls of the standard?


  • Intro on carbon footprint calculation & reasoning
  • Practical insights from the banking sector regarding the standard
  • Insurance market decarbonation journey
  • Q&A


3 February 2023 at 9:00 – 10:00 CET


The webinar will be streamed via ClickMeeting platform. You will be automatically provided with connection link once you fill in the registration form. The presentation and discussion will be held in English language. The event is free of charge.*


  • Martin Dolinský, Sustainability Consultant at Mazars in Slovakia
  • Vera Economou, ESG Group Competence Center Lead, Coordinator of Sustainable Finance Team and Corporate ESG Experts in CEE at Raiffeisen Bank International
  • Alexandre L’Helias, Insurance Consulting Manager at Mazars

Register here

*Mazars reserves the right to decline the registration of participants from other advisory companies.

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