Corporate reporting and its implications on the audit market in Romania
The reform aims to improve audit quality and restore investors' confidence in financial information, an essential ingredient for future investment and economic growth.
We invite you on 19 May, at 08:30, to participate to an interactive debate, which brings together experts representing the public and private space in Romania and EU. The online event will tackle the hot topic of corporate reporting in Romania and support the development and the sustainability of your business.
- The relevance of the EU corporate reporting and audit review in the modern-day business environment.
- The sustainability dimension of the EU corporate reporting and audit review - ESG and corporate governance implications
- Joint audit in Romania– are we ready for a joint audit environment?
- Vasile Andrian - Partner Audit, Mazars Romania
- Fabrice Demarigny - Partner Audit, Mazars France
- TBC representative of the Ministry of Public Finance in Romania
Moderator: Ella Chilea, Partner Audit, Mazars Romania
The event will be held in Romanian and English. The participation is registration-only.