Fiscal amnesty & daily allowance reclassification. What is the impact on tax inspections and on the labor legislation in Romania?

The amnesty law, published at the end of March, came with a tax amnesty for the reclassifications operated by ANAF in the last 7 years, but also with new fiscal procedures regarding the daily allowances inspection.

Mazars Romania specialists will participate in a multidisciplinary session organized by, which brings together both the HR and the tax perspectives.

The event will take place on 17 May at 11:00.


  • Granting daily allowances and compensations - the specific conditions and situations from the perspective of labor legislation and payroll;
  • General conditions regarding the tax treatment applicable to the daily allowance and compensations - what relevance do they have for cross-border structures?;
  • The approach to tax inspections and the impact of legislative changes in 2022. Procedural coordinates.


  • Lucian Dumitru, Tax Director, Mazars Romania
  • Alexandra Gașpar, Payroll Manager, Mazars Romania

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