An outdoor adventure with Mazars

14 June 2022

Since forever, social gatherings have been about meeting our colleagues or friends, in town or in nature, grabbing a drink, chatting, laughing, and simply relaxing, even if just for a few hours. Two years ago, when this ongoing global challenge occurred, we felt alone and it seemed that everything that made us happy, at work, or in our personal lives, was stripped away from us.

Now, in 2022, another global problem made its way into our lives, one that we haven’t wished for, one that we haven’t entertained, and one that, in just a couple of days, reunited billions of people. And perhaps, like most of us do, you also feel angry, nervous, helpless, and in some moments, you don’t know what to do. And it’s ok. It’s ok to feel heartbroken about the state of the world, it’s ok to be excited to see your friends, it’s ok to go out for a drink, it’s ok to feel guilty for carrying on with your life as normal, and at the same time, it’s ok to feel overwhelmed from feeling it all at once.

So, if you feel like you are repeating every day, with no break or room for new experiences, it might be time to shake things up a little. Sometimes, a simple change of scenery it’s all that it takes.

In Mazars, to encourage get-togethers, we have implemented a new project – Networks, through which we want to facilitate gatherings of colleagues who share common passions, hobbies, or interests. And we found out that we are actually enjoying similar activities, such as hiking, dancing, tennis or board games.

Today, we want to tell you a little bit more about one of our Network groups, dedicated to Hiking, who already had a first gathering, where our colleagues enjoyed a hiking trail towards the Ciucaș Peak (6,411 ft). Needless to say, their journey made them feel on top of the world. So, lace up your hiking boots, and make sure you are well prepared. With their advice, you are definitely going to follow in their footsteps.

Hiking pic

What hiking means for some of us

In today’s world of chaos and constant stimulation, it’s hard to quiet the mind and think. And a good way to find some silence and clarity, it’s to go out in nature and enjoy the scenery – air, mountains, trees, people. In a few words, sometimes it's good to leave the road, and take the trails. „I strongly believe that traveling is a form of therapy, self-knowledge, discovery, and ultimately, it also represents a non-formal education. A well-chosen hiking route gives you the joy and opportunity to get out of your comfort zone, find yourself, and recharge your batteries. The biggest advantage is that you get to reset your mind, as well as your emotions.”, mentioned our colleague, Mihaela Hampu, Tax Senior Manager, Mazars Romania.

Getting in shape for this activity

We believe that the most important thing is to choose hikes based on how capable we are feeling or the size of the challenge we want. In either case, we end up mentally feeling the same: accomplished and clear-minded. „Also, in order to prepare our bodies for a physical effort, we need to put together a light workout session, such as warming up our muscles, doing some push-ups, and a little bit of cardio, so that we can really enjoy our mountain adventure. Another important step, from my point of view, is to train yourself mentally, especially if you have not climbed a mountain until now. It is important to know your limits, and to overcome them in a safe way.”, mentioned our colleague, Ionuț Petroiu, Senior Accounting Process Automation, Mazars Romania.

For a better experience, we believe that training yourself will allow you to enjoy your time on the trail more. This way, you can focus on having some well-deserved fun, and also soak in every view, while taking many pictures with your colleagues, friends, or family.

Look cool and be comfortable while hiking

When considering what to wear on a mountain trail, hiking boots or shoes are arguably the most important aspect, so it’s worth investing in a sturdy pair that will last. Of course, during spring or summer, you can choose a lighter pair, but you have to make sure that it’s specifically designed for hiking.

I believe that you also need to take into account the weather. For example, even if we have checked the temperatures two days before our journey, we still experienced torrential rain, so every aspect needs to be taken into account. The most important thing is to find a comfortable, breathable, quick-drying hiking shoe or trail runner instead to give your feet a chance to dry off on breaks.”, mentioned our colleague, Daniel Damian, Tax Senior Consultant, Mazars Romania.

What to bring on a day hike

You know that saying that goes like this: a little preparation will go a long way? Like in every trip, you need to put together a list with all the things that you need for your travel, especially if you plan a full day of hiking. „A list adds a ton of efficiency to the process of getting ready, and I believe that we all love knowing we’re not forgetting something important in the rush to get out the door. After you checked the weather, the difficulty of the route, the indicators, and the route map, you can organise your backpack with water, snacks, fruits, personal documents, an external battery, a small medical kit, wet wipes, and disinfectant, as well as some garbage bags. And besides your chosen clothes and shoes, it is also useful to have some trekking poles, socks, a rain jacket, some sunglasses, and a hat.”, mentioned our colleague, Felicia Lungu, Accounting Manager, Mazars Romania.

Hiking in the rain is …

Both wonderful and draining. We don’t believe there is such thing as bad weather, but only different kinds of good weather, and when it rains, every view becomes much more unique, the sky is alive, and every little thing around you becomes clear. „It was a real pleasure to face another challenge together with my colleagues, this time on a beautiful mountain path towards the Ciucaș peak. Although we faced some tough weather conditions, with both high temperatures and torrential rain, the feeling of reaching the top together was indescribable.”, mentioned Adrian Mihalcea, Senior Manager, Deal Advisory.

And yes, it’s true, the rain can bring heavy winds and dark clouds, but are these disadvantages for hiking, or do these elements make for some amazing skyscapes and jaw-dropping shows of mother nature?

Nothing can go wrong if you are prepared for a little drizzle, and especially if you also catch a breathtaking rainbow, everything is worth it at the end of the day. A decent rain jacket and rain pants will keep you dry no matter what, and together with some trekking poles, a positive attitude, and helpful information, you can get outside and have fun on the wettest of days. Your rain gear requires a balance between keeping you dry and warm but cool enough so that you’re not getting sweaty.”, mentioned Liviu Gheorghiu, Tax Director, Mazars Romania.

For your mind, body, and soul

When going into nature, you just need to take a first small step, and you will see that, by taking a step after step after step, you will end up in the heart of the most beautiful locations that the world has to offer. „This day trip, together with my colleagues, in the Ciucaș mountains, was a beautiful one. I really missed outdoor activities, with the sky to guide us, and the incredible views around. Also, our legs definitely enjoyed this walk and thanked us with a muscle fever that we felt the entire week. I look forward to the next trip.”, mentioned Roxana Mihalache, Audit Manager, Mazars Romania.

We hope that you enjoyed this outdoor adventure through our colleagues’ eyes. They are currently preparing for another exciting challenge, this time towards Omu Peak (8,219 ft). Until next time.
