Accreditations/ Memberships of professional bodies
- Fellow Chartered Accountant of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
David is a member of the UK Executive as the Audit service line leader. He is also the global leader of Audit & assurance for the Group with 12,000 auditors and a turnover for audit of €1.2bn.
David began his career with the firm in France in 1992 before moving to London in 1996. He became an Audit Partner in 2001 and has since held various leadership roles in audit for the development of our activities to Public Interest Entities. He has significant experience in leading the audit of large and listed international clients, notably in complex sectors with long-term contracts, the media and retail sectors, and private equity. Over the years David has also regularly acted as an expert on accounting and auditing related investigations for various regulators.
David has a number of key roles in and outside the firm notably in connection with the future of audit, exploring how the audit of listed and non-listed companies is likely to evolve in the next 10 years with specific focus on technology and innovation, and on the scope of Audit & assurance notably in relation to non-financial reporting. He chairs the Audit & Assurance Policy Group of Accountancy Europe, representing one million qualified accountants, auditors and advisors in Europe. He is a strong advocate on the issue of competition and choice in the audit market, to promote a more diverse audit market and “equal opportunities” for firms outside the big 4.
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