Tax newsletters 2013

You can read the latest issues of Mazars Tax Newsletter here. In our newsletters we would like to inform our clients and prospective partners about the current modifications or changes in tax or in audit.

Tax Newsletter 21- Year-end is coming

As usual, since the year-end is coming soon, we summerize what important taxation deadlines we should pay attention concerning tax liabilities.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/20- Tax changes 2014/2.

On 18 November 2013, the Parliament approved the 2014 tax amendments. Since the publication of our previous tax newsletter, the Tax Proposal has been extended by numerous complementary elements and amendment proposals.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/19- Tax changes 2014

On 18 October 2013, the government submitted the tax package (“Proposal”) for 2014. In contrast with the previous years’ structural changes, the recent Proposal contains minor modifications and interpretations facilitating comprehension.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/8- Hungarian- Swiss tax treaty

What to know about new Hungarian- Swiss double tax treaty, presents the current tax newsletter of Mazars in Hungary.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/17- VAT reclaim requests

The deadline of the foreign VAT reclaim requests is approaching, according to the latest tax newsletter by Mazars in Hungary.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/16- New OECD action plan

OECD action plan on base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)

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Tax Newsletter 2013/15- Changes in the Labour Code

From the 1st of August several points of the labour code will change. In our current newsletter we summerize the most significant changes.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/14- Summer tax changes

In our newsletter we summerize the law changes, related to taxation among others, that come into force this summer.

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Newsletter 2013/13- Modification of the TP decree

News: transfer pricing decree has been modified. The new regulations will become effective on June 21, 2013.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/12-Attention in the LBT return

Attention! The payable tax advances shall be calculated in the local business tax return in accordance with the new rules!

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