Tax newsletters 2013

You can read the latest issues of Mazars Tax Newsletter here. In our newsletters we would like to inform our clients and prospective partners about the current modifications or changes in tax or in audit.

Tax Newsletter 2013/11- Control of cash registers

As of 1 May, new type of cash registers containing a tax control module will be obligatory.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/10- 2012 Corporate Income Tax

Pay attention when filing the 2012 Corporate Income Tax return.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/9- Tax changes are coming

Tax changes are coming- new modifications can be read in Mazars' new tax newsletter. The last tax package announced by the Parliament at the beginning of April 2013 contains minor changes in connection with tax laws.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/8- Chamber contribution

Deadline to pay the contribution to the Chamber of Commerce is March 31st. Non-paid contribution to be collected by the Tax Administration.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/7- NAV control guidelines

In our latest newsletter we would like to give information about new control guidelines of the National Tax and Customs Administration for 2013.

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Newsletter 2013/6-Transfer pricing documentation

In our latest Newsletter we inform you about further changes on transfer pricing dodumentation requirements.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/5- Municipality's tax database

In our 5th Tax Newsletter we would like to call attention that local taxation regulations have been modified as part of the 2012 tax package.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/4- Seconded employees

In this newsletter we summerize the attention of the employee's incomes in our Hungary in case of long-term secondments.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/3 Company registration

In this newsletter you can read about compulsory modifications in the company registration, as well as deadlines, sanctions and other changes.

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Tax Newsletter 2013/2 Cafeteria 2013

The aim of this newsletter is to help you to build up cafeteria system. We summerize the most important information about it.

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