Mirela Copot Marjanović Partner, Audit and Assurance
Mirela Copot Marjanović, authorized auditor and FCCA, is a Partner in the Audit department of Forvis Mazars in Croatia. Mirela has a wealth of experience that she has been building since 2003 and has performed a whole series of audit and other engagements with the expression of assurance, agreed procedures upon special requests of the client, audits of consolidated reports, accounting business consulting, auditing of status changes (divisions, incorporations, mergers). Mirela's special area of interest is group audits and consolidations and companies from the IT sector, energy and utility sectors, where over the years she has accumulated experience in the field of auditing, status changes, and consulting.
Mirela graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb and holds a certificate of Chartered Accountant of Great Britain (ACCA). Mirela also obtained licenses as a certified auditor and certified accountant. She has completed international education related to International Auditing Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards. Mirela is one of the authors of the book "How to pay less tax?" and the HSFI manual, and teaches at the Croatian Institute of Finance on the subject of accounting standards and similar topics.
English is actively used.
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Pages associated to Mirela Copot Marjanović
- Kapitalizacija izdataka za razvoj nematerijalne imovine unutar poslovnog subjekta
- Računovodstveno evidentiranje rabata
- MSFI 18 – Prezentacija i objavljivanje u financijskim izvještajima
- Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024
- Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2023
- IFRS 16 : key points of the lease standard
- Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study H1 2022
- Financial performance of European banks in the context of Covid-19: benchmark study 2021
- The future of audit: myths, realities and ways forward
- COVID-19: Implications on financial statements
- IT: Utjecaj troškova razvoja na profitabilnost
- IFRS for financial instruments
- News in the regulation on reporting in non-profit accounting and in the register of non-profit organizations
- IFRS 17: Insurance
- Changes to the RGFI web application
- Consolidation Application Form
- The Differences Between The Old and New Audit Law
- IFRS 15 and 16
- IFRS 16: Leases - key points of the new standard
- Guide through IAS 16