Beyond the GAAP no.84 - December 2014

While many businesses will spend 2015 working on the practical impact of the introduction of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9, the IASB has announced that other important publications will appear this year: the new draft conceptual framework should be available during the course of the first quarter, while the new standard on leases is expected at the end of the year.

At the same time, “maintenance” work on IFRSs will continue. The Feedback Statement on the IFRS 3 Post Implementation Review should be published in the first half of the year; this will be an occasion to see how the IASB expects to address changes to a standard that is converged with US GAAP.

Finally the Disclosure Initiative project, which aroused much stakeholder interest when it was launched, has produced its first amendments and should see significant progress this year, with the publication of a Discussion Paper on the general objectives and principles of disclosure.

The editorial team at Beyond the GAAP wish you all the best for 2015.


Beyond the GAAP no.84 - December 2014
Index - December 2014

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