Beyond the GAAP no.73 - December 2013

Under the IASB work plan, 2014 should see the conclusion of two major projects which were launched several years ago: revenue recognition and the impairment of financial assets. However, no publication timescale has been announced for the other two major topics, accounting for leases and insurance contracts. The work plan merely mentions ‘redeliberations’ on these subjects in the first quarter of 2014. The duration of the redeliberations on revenue recognition does, however, suggest that we should treat this timetable with great caution.

In 2014, the IASB should also analyse the responses received regarding the Discussion Paper on the conceptual framework, for which the comments period will end shortly. With this document the IASB aims to lay the foundation of future IFRSs!

Best wishes for 2014 from the whole editorial team at Beyond the GAAP.


Beyond the GAAP no.73 - December 2013
