Beyond the GAAP no.53 - February 2012

At the time of writing this editorial, the IASB Update - the official publication reporting on Board meetings - had not yet been published, as the IASB's last meeting spanned the end of February and the beginning of March. As a result, it is difficult for us to report on the Board's provisional decisions, given that the subjects discussed were particularly complex and open to interpretation.
We have decided to use this limbo period as an ideal opportunity to re-examine one of the IASB's major projects, namely the Insurance Contracts project. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since the project was launched in 2002.
Enjoy your reading!


  • Highlights
    • IFRS   
    • Europe                                                                                
  • A Closer Look
    •  Leases: discussions continue on  lessee accounting model    
    •  Insurance Contracts (IFRS 4 Phase II): what stage are we of the project? (part one)       
  •  Events and FAQs                                 


Newsletter IFRS - February 2012
