Customs advisory

At Forvis Mazars, we have an experienced team of professional consultants who all have in-depth knowledge among industries and business fields to support our clients in dealing with a wide range of customs issues.

A monthly retainer service will allow clients to regularly access our professional advice and support for common queries relating to daily business operation. Within a monthly budget, you can get quick answers to most of the common queries about Customs laws and regulations, as well as including you in our monthly newsletter to keep you posted with any newly published rulings that are relevant.

HS Code classification

As the HS (“Harmonized system”) used by countries is varied according to domestic regulation, HS code determined by exporter (as shown on relevant import dossier) might not always align with Vietnamese regulation on HS classification. To help mitigate relevant risks relating to HS code conflict (e.g. incorrect duty calculation, omission of required Customs procedure, etc.), we can assist our clients to determine HS code for the targeted products by (i) reviewing prevailing rules including the WCO and local regulations; (ii) helping the clients in obtaining consultation of customs authorities; (iii) application for official HS code classification.

Preparation or Review of Customs finalization report

For those operating under export-processing/export manufacturing model but currently are not yet able to connect and exchange information on the use of duty-free material through the E-Customs system, Customs finalization report is mandatory. The Company will have to submit the report (containing 03 different reporting forms) to the Customs authority by no later than the 90th day after the end of fiscal year. We can assist clients to prepare or review the reports before submission to ensure its compliance with local regulations.

Customs health check

A health check service is designed to discover most of the issues relating to Customs in the whole Company system. The result of a health check service will provide an overview on the compliance status as well as the efficiency of the internal control system in daily performance of Customs tasks.

Customs audit support

Dealing with huge workload and pressure of an audit is never an easy task. Our audit assistance service supports our clients to mitigate the company’s risks and prepare them for questions or findings by the local customs audit team; Forvis Mazars can assist by giving instantaneous advices and explanations or working with the customs team on the clients’ behalf.
