Press releases

You will find here our Group and local press releases, announcing the latest news and changes.

The management of the tax liabilities

10 June 2020

During the State of Emergency, the Romanian Government has adopted several fiscal measures to support the taxpayers who were facing financial difficulties due to the pandemic. One of these measures concerned the tax liabilities, which has as due date the period between March 21st, 2020, and June 25th, 2020, mainly that they were not considered overdue and, therefore, did not generate ancillary obligations or enforcement actions - briefly, a payment relief.

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Corporate Governance, the bridge between compliance and trust

4 June 2020

Corporate Governance evolves as the business culture does. In this regard, Romania has witnessed significant progress in the last decade. Driven by the need to build a strong relationship with all stakeholders and attract investors, forward-thinking companies have adopted sound Corporate Governance principles.

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Companies are required to declare their real beneficiaries in 2020

28 May 2020

Romanian entities, as well as the ones to be incorporated, have the obligation to provide relevant information regarding their ultimate beneficiary by submitting a statement to the Romanian Trade Register (ONRC).

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The survival journey of the retail industry

21 May 2020

The Retail Industry – a journey of survival with frugal innovation, Blue Ocean Strategy, supply chain differentiation, and fiscal amendments

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The forced transformation of the automotive industry

7 May 2020

In the last four months, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought industries all around the world to a standstill, causing everyone to wonder what will happen next and how we can prepare ourselves for the upcoming challenges.
In Romania, the first wave of industries affected by COVID-19 was linked to the ones that required human mobility, such as transportation, hospitality, or tourism. The second wave is now taking place in automotive and manufacturing, that need to reinvent themselves and try to go back to something as close to normality as they can.

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Unblocking some amounts in the context of the VAT refund may help the companies continue their activity

28 April 2020

The rapid evolution of COVID-19 pandemic generated economic consequences and the governments of all the States affected by the virus were forced to adopt various measures to support the business environment, which faced challenges almost impossible to anticipate.

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Mazars performed the Due Diligence of the CTP 30 MEUR investment in acquiring of Equest Logistic Park

16 April 2020

The situation created by the measures taken to combat the COVID-19 pandemic will definitely have an impact on the global M&A market and, implicitly, in Romania in 2020. The local market is well-positioned for a positive evolution, considering the sustainable growth of the past periods, as well as a constantly diversifying economy.

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What implications will COVID-19 bring from an IFRS perspective?

25 March 2020

In just three months, the COVID-19 outbreak impacted the modern world in an unprecedented way. The virus is crashing our everyday lives, is limiting our basic freedoms and threatens our future. Besides the tragic outcome on health, this pandemic keeps on having a heavy impact on a wide range of industries, its ramifications will likely continue from some time, and we cannot predict for how long.

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A Report 2019/2020

20 March 2020

A steady momentum of inbound deals in 2019 underlines CEE’s resilient appeal to international investors despite global challenges

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Mazars publishes Tech Train study revealing global technological familiarity, investment and implementation levels

5 March 2020

China and India dominate across the board, France and UK lag behind
India has the greatest appetite to increase technological investment

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