Services & sectors brochures

You will find here our brochures concerning our services and sectors.

Mazars European China Desk brochure - 玛泽欧洲中国部

We invite you to consult our European China Desk brochure available in English and in Chinese


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Employer's Guide to Poland 2012

For many years now Poland has attracted a large number of foreign direct investments. According to the UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2011 Poland is the 6th most attractive investment location in the world. Poland’s significant rise in this year’s UNCTAD's Investment Report (5 points up from the 11th position in 2010) confirms the country’s strong position on the international investment scene.

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Real Estate Guide to Poland 2011

Polish real estate market is one of the fastest growing in the European Union. For that reason, it has been the focus of attention from foreign investors for several years already.

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"Financial services" brochure

Our teams act as trusted advisers to our clients. Dedicated to your sector, our
professionals are specifically trained to provide tailor-made services that create
added value for our financial services clients operating in the following sectors: banking, insurance, real estate and funds.

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Brochure for Industry & Services Sectors

Mazars, a global player specialising in “Industry & Services Sectors” who provides tailor-made services for your needs.

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Tax Advisory Services

Increased regulation and reporting obligations consume time which you could better use on developing your business. It can also create opportunities for reducing the tax burden and creating value in the business. Mazars’ Tax Advisory Services can help you deal with the increasing risk to your company due to the changing tax environment, help you create value from tax planning opportunities, and help implement your organisational change in a tax efficient manner.

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VAT brochure

Why VAT matters to your business? Any business buying, selling, investing or employing staff in one or more countries is confronted with indirect taxes, such as VAT (Value Added Tax). VAT is a tax charged on most business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions throughout the EU (European Union) and in a growing number of other countries. In the Member States of the EU national VAT laws are based on Community legislation.

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Expatriate services

Most multinational companies regularly deal with cross border employment. Employees are seconded from one country to antoher and professional talent is hired from all over the world.

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Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing is the price at which goods and services are sold between associated enterprises. As the majority of the international trade takes place between allied enterprises, the Transfer Pricing range is enormous.

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