New obligations for international and domestic groups - the global minimum tax

On 26 April 2024, a draft act on top-up taxation of constituent entities of international and domestic groups presenting the principles for the implementation of the EU regulations on the global minimum tax into Polish domestic legislation was published.

The purpose of the Pillar II Directive, which is currently being implemented, is to oblige EU member states to enforce the Global Anti-Base Erosion rules (GloBE rules), a tax reform that establishes a minimum level of taxation for international economic activity.

The new regulations introduce an obligation to verify the application of the effective tax rate (ETR). It means that if a group in a given tax jurisdiction attains an ETR below the level specified in the Directive, i.e. less than 15%, it will be obliged to pay a top-up tax. 

The new regime will apply to component entities of international or domestic groups which, in at least two of the four tax years immediately preceding the tax year, have achieved a minimum group revenue of EUR 750 million. The implementation of the rules at the domestic level entails additional obligations also for Polish subsidiaries with parent entities in a foreign country.

The draft act regulates the taxation of three types of top-up tax:

I. Global top-up tax under Income Inclusion Rule (IIR) – taxation at the level of the parent company (even if a low ETR applies to subsidiaries in other jurisdictions),

II. Qualified domestic minimum top-up tax (QDMTT) – taxation at the level of individual subsidiaries,

III. Global top-up tax under Undertaxed Profit Rule (UTPR) -  taxation at the level of subsidiaries, when the parent company operates in a jurisdiction not subject to the global minimum tax regime.

The draft act is in the opinion stage at present. The act is scheduled to come into force from 1 January 2025.
