Vali Marszalek Director, ESG

Vali Marszalek is our ESG Director with extensive multi-year experience in sustainability and ESG. Since joining Forvis Mazars, Vali has been helping companies respond to new EU regulations related to ESG and reporting requirements under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Some of the projects she leads concern the preparation for reporting according to the CSRD directive, the conducting of gap analysis against ESRS standards, and the setting up of Net Zero strategies and sustainability strategies. She is a member of the national working group for the transposition of CSRD into the Croatian legislation. She is also a certified Impact Auditor for verification of self-declaration according to ISO 26000 and impact assessment of the impact on society and the environment, and since Fall 2023 she is teaching the Business Ethics and Socially Responsible Business course at the American Faculty of RIT Croatia.
From 2016 to 2022, she held the position of Executive Director of Global Compact Network Croatia, and was also a member of the UN Global Compact Expert Network, the advisory body of the UN Global Compact in charge of strategy and ensuring the relevance of the UN Global Compact program portfolio to provide the best support to companies on their to the path of sustainability. In her role she led accelerator programs for companies on various topics such as integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into business processes, the setting of science-based climate goals (SBTi) and the adoption of diversity and gender equality policies. Today she is actively involved in the initiative, holding the position of Chair of the Board of Directors of Global Compact Network Croatia.
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Pages associated to Vali Marszalek
- Sustainability expertise in the boardroom: going beyond the tick box exercise
- Platforma za ugljični otisak
- EU Taxonomy guide: navigate the EU Taxonomy and related regulations
- ESG - related financial due diligence
- Guide to the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
- CSRD and CSDDD differences and similarities at a glance
- A comprehensive review of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
- Human rights
- EQUAL-SALARY certification
- Forvis Mazars Sustainability Tool Scout
- European Sustainability Reporting Standards Set 1: what companies should know to prepare
- Impact of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on non-EU groups and their EU subsidiaries
- Net Zero consulting services
- Sustainable finance
- ISO26000
- Prvi set nacrta ESRS-a: Izjednačavanje financijskih i informacija o održivosti
- ESG health check
- Implementation & transformation
- Strategy & due diligence
- Reporting & assurance
- Sustainability & ESG
- EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Ensuring your supply chain is compliant
- Sustainability practices stocktake: how banks and insurers have progressed
- Sustainable, smart, and synchronised: using technology to accelerate the ESG transition in the consumer sector
- C-suite barometer 2023: ESG insights
- Izazovi i planovi rukovoditelja diljem svijeta
- How advanced are you on your sustainability journey?