Business and Intangible Asset Valuation
Helping you to value your investments, business and assets
Evaluating intangible assets can be challenging due to their non-physical nature and the complexity in measuring their direct financial impact. Additionally, companies that need to evaluate their assets must be attentive to the regulations and requirements necessary for the various financial operations that will impact the business.
We have the expertise and methodology needed to support you in your transactions, with the preparation of independent reports, value studies for negotiations, and much more, ensuring compliance and the best path for your company.
We have the expertise and methodology needed to support you in your transactions, with the preparation of independent reports, value studies for negotiations, and much more, ensuring compliance and the best path for your company.
Our services
- Valuations to support negotiations, corporate restructurings and the mark to market of investees for Private Equity Funds.
- Building business plans/economic and financial feasibility studies in the context of capital raising.
- Pre-deal multi-scenario valuations in the context of mergers and acquisitions.
- Pre-deal purchase price allocation (PPA) for acquisition decisions and post-acquisition PPA for accounting (CPC 15, IFRS 3) or tax purposes (Law 12973/14).
- Preparing independent valuation reports in accordance with accounting and tax standards for the purposes of:
- Impairment Tests [CPC 01], Business Combination [CPC 15], Utilisation of Accumulated Losses, among others.
- Determination of Fair Value of Intangible Assets [CPC 04], Share-Based Payment [CPC 10], Investment Property [CPC 28], Biological Assets [CPC 29], among others.
- Service Concession Arrangements [OCPC 01/ IFRIC 12].
- Economic and Financial Valuation to comply with Law 12973/14 and Normative Instruction 1700/17 of the Brazilian Revenue Service.