Aerospace and defense

Pensamento inovador para ajudar a solucionar os desafios mais complexos

As empresas do setor aeroespacial e defesa enfrentam ruptura sem precedentes em diversas frentes. Para permanecerem na dianteira da inovação e desenvolverem tecnologias para o futuro, as empresas desse setor devem embarcar em uma jornada transformadora. Nossos times fornecem soluções para ajudá-lo a repensar sua estratégia comercial, navegar pela digitalização e aprimorar suas operações.

Our approach

The aerospace and defense sector is one of the most dynamic and transformative industries. As a truly global market, it includes commercial aviation and advanced defense and security systems, where suppliers and operators constantly face intense financial pressure and customer demand.

At Forvis Mazars, we offer specific skills and customized solutions to help you improve your performance and achieve your goals. We have proven experience in the aeronautical, space, and defense sectors, where we work with manufacturers, suppliers, and MRO companies of all sizes, as well as industrial organizations and defense ministries and departments worldwide. When we work with you, we bring together highly qualified teams from our international network to provide advice and guidance that will ensure your future competitiveness.

Offering a range of audit, consulting, and tax services, we have the solutions to help you overcome the challenges faced:

Financing and protecting your supply chain

Our teams work with you to secure program and infrastructure financing, optimize and protect your global supply chain, and implement new financing solutions such as receivables anticipation.

Leveraging market opportunities and increasing your market presence

We can help you establish new businesses or enter emerging and growing markets, identify new product varieties, and ensure the success of your acquisitions and partnership projects.

Protecting and optimizing your operations

It is vital that your business is robust. We can work with you to digitize your operations and master data to improve productivity. We can also review your investment projects, implement internal controls and risk management procedures, and conduct reviews to improve decision-making and fraud prevention.

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