Tax compliance

Efficient treatment of a crescent level of informations

Ensuring tax compliance is an increasingly arduous and complex task. Both tax legislation and tax authorities are demanding more and more ancillary information, which increases the risk of non-compliance. Nonetheless, tax compliance is crucial not only to avoid fines but also to prevent errors that may trigger unnecessary audits and inspections.

Our approach

National and multinational companies face ever more complex tax regulations, stricter scrutiny by tax authorities, and a greater obligation to ensure compliance with a complex and extensive array of laws. Our global network has the necessary resources and local knowledge to efficiently meet the most complex national compliance requirements.

We provide tailored assistance to companies that are rapidly growing and expanding regionally, internationally, or into new markets but lack sufficient expertise outside their operating market.

Our services

We can assist with all aspects of tax compliance, including:

  • Tax processing
  • Compliance with direct and indirect taxes
  • Preparation and submission of ancillary tax obligations
  • Transfer pricing calculations
  • Preparation of individual income tax returns
  • Calculation of tax credits and preparation of tax compensation claims (PerdComp)
  • Strategic compliance planning and determination of the best tax regime
  • Support during audits and inspections

Our tools and solutions

Mazars' compliance services are complemented by the following main tools: Kolossus, NetCorp, BPT, Gestta, among others.

Kolossus is an online platform developed for the corporate market. It provides a simple and flexible way to perform complex SPED audits, cross-check declarations, access tax burden information for products, and make corrections and edits to ancillary obligations.

The NetCorp ERP is a fully integrated management software that meets all accounting, tax, financial, supply chain, and managerial requirements as part of our business process outsourcing solution.

BPT is a system that automates the registration of tax-related information and the calculation of tax withholdings. This system is fully integrated with the NetCorp ERP or any other ERP that has compatible integration technology.

Gestta is a tool for document management, activity control, and compliance. Through scheduled reports, we monitor operations, conduct internal audits, and continuously evaluate the quality of our services.

Click on the link below to learn more about our solutions.

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