Relieve the burden on your company so that you can focus on what is most important: your core business

To ensure that your company keeps growing, it is crucial to have room for quick market adaptations and the risks that come with it, including a constant concern for operational and non-strategic activities. However, focusing on improving operations can generate higher and sometimes unnecessary costs, compromising the future of the company.

Forvis Mazars leads in Outsourcing services in Brazil, offering a low-risk path and greater efficiency to companies. After all, we have a team of specialists dedicated to assisting you and your company in operational matters as well. This guarantees sustainable growth more efficiently.

Our approach

For companies looking for opportunities to optimize their operations and ensure more reliability and growth, Forvis Mazars' BPO is a low-risk way to expand your business. It keeps your financial exposure to a minimum and allows you to leverage the specific skills and expertise you need, when you need them.

Our range of tools and solutions will help you monitor and control your outsourced activities, wherever you operate in the world. Our outsourcing services are flexible and scalable, enabling you to react quickly to changes in your business or market.

How can we assist you





Our specialists will understand your businessWe organize and analyze all the financial routine of your businessMonitor and approve transactionsManagement informations, real time








Solutions that fits to your needs.Flexible, qualified and in constant technical improvement team.Services with strong value associated to your core business.Local and international knowledge.Knowledge of many platforms of ERP systems.


Know more about our services: click on the link below and stay in touch with us.

Contact us


Uipiquer Gomes Dos Santos
Uipiquer Gomes Dos Santos Partner and COO (Chief Operational Officer) - Rio de Janeiro

Detailed profile