Strategic Cost Management

Companies are constantly seeking ways to reduce costs and expenses in order to improve operational efficiency. Usually this search is motivated by competition , economic instability , the need to improve profitability by demanding investors , among others.


Motivating aspects

  • Improve the contribution margin of products and / or services.
  • Have knowledge and follow the evolution of expenses and costs across the company's revenues and operating income.
  • Permeate the company with the sense of urgency, constant search for cost savings and expenses.
  • Need for efficient processes and controls.
  • Goals and business objectives developed, implemented and monitored.
  • Return on investment knowledge used in projects.Mazars with the use of its methodology, approach and experienced professionals can help your company to implement a strategy to reduce costs and expenses, thereby helping to improve profitability.


As Mazars can help

Reducing costs & expenses

  • Based on the breakdown of costs and expenses, together a plan to reduce search by applying the following key techniques:
  • Development cost reduction scenarios for emergency actions.
  • Creating goals with management indicators for each group (packet) of spending, involving the most significant - "Paretto 80/20".
  • Action plan creation.Contract management of supply of products and services.Implementation / management culture focused on cost optimization.
  • Development or improvement of business management with redesigning processes and internal controls.
  • Organization Cost Management committee and expenses and theexpenses and Receiras - "CGDR".





Gestão de Custos

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