Beyond the GAAP - No.161 - December 2021

As 2021 gives way to 2022, the Beyond the GAAP editorial team would like to wish you all the best for the coming year! We expect another busy year in terms of accounting news, with an obvious major development being the expected completion of the Primary Financial Statements project. However, the key focus of the year is likely to be the development of sustainability reporting standards.

On 16 December, the IFRS Foundation announced the appointment of the first Chair of the International Sustainability Standards Board: Emmanuel Faber, the former Chair and CEO of Danone, has taken the top job at the ISSB for an initial three-year term commencing on 1 January 2022. The ISSB plans to publish two draft standards for public comment during the first quarter of 2022: one on proposed general disclosure requirements, and the other on climate disclosures. Also in early 2022, the new EFRAG is expected to launch a public consultation on its first draft of European sustainability reporting standards.

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