Dogodki in webinarji

Pridružite se nam na naših dogodkih ter spletnih webinarjih in se aktivno priključite razpravam o različnih aktualnih tematikah.

Webinar - Pillar 2 GloBE: latest developments and required actions

After a long time in development by OECD and member countries, the global 15% minimum tax (Pillar 2 GloBE), is close to implementation in some jurisdictions which will require adjustments from all affected groups. Our upcoming webinar will focus on the key issues and upcoming requirements in the light of the July further Administrative Guidance on Pillar 2 from the OECD and other new developments.

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9.3.2023 CEE Webinar - Transfer pricing update in the CEE region

Transfer Pricing Experts of the Mazars offices in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and in Hungary warmly invite to a joint webinar where we will present a quick snapshot regarding the transfer pricing developments in these countries. In some of the jurisdictions significant changes were introduced in 2023. In order to keep you up-to-date, we have collected them.

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11.2. CEE webinar: EU Taxonomy & business benefits of ESG

Join our upcoming CEE webinar by filling out a short registration form and learn practical advice on implementing ESG strategy into your business.

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Transferne cene: serija webinarjev

Pridružite se webinarjem v organizaciji Mazarsa na temo transfernih cen.

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Mazars’ flagship conference - Set for change: tax transparency, a way towards sustainability

Join Mazars' flagship interactive conference “Set for change: tax transparency, a way towards sustainability" from 2 to 10 November 2021

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