Dealing with the consequences of Covid-19: Insights from our international financial advisory experts

The Covid-19 pandemic is causing uncertainty and disruption around the world. Our priority at Mazars is to protect people and ensure business continuity and high quality services for our clients, all while working as one partnership, supporting each other across the globe.

Since the beginning of the crisis, we have been closely monitoring the situation and taking action to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. We remain by our clients' sides, helping to navigate in these unprecedented times. In particular, we can:

  • Appraise current funding and loans in place and alternative options/structures following the Covid-19 outbreak.
  • Understand cash requirements during the crisis.
  • Advise and support on working capital reviews and requirements.
  • Support in developing sustainable recovery plans.
  • Help shareholders realise value from the business, divisions or assets relatively quickly, without interrupting day-to-day operations.
  • Provision independent, contentious valuations of your business.
  • Monitor the local tax environment and its consequences on your business in the context of Covid-19.

We’ve developed short, insightful articles to share our expertise with advice on protecting teams, ensuring business continuity, supporting organisations during difficult times, and more. 

Read our Covid-19 insight here.

For country specific information and advice, please visit your local website below: 

If you would like to discuss the implications for your business in more detail, please contact Fabrice Demarigny (details to the right) or use the contact form below. 

* Obvezna polja. Brez teh podatkov vaše zahteve ne bomo mogli obdelati.

Kot upravljalec vaše osebne podatke zbira Mazars v Sloveniji v skladu z veljavnimi zakoni in predpisi.
Polja, označena z zvezdico (*), so obvezna. Če je katerokoli obvezno polje prazno, vaše zahteve ne bo mogoče obdelati.
Vaši osebni podatki se zbirajo za namen obdelave vaše zahteve.
Imate pravico do dostopa, popravljanja in brisanja vaših podatkov ter pravici do ugovora in omejitve obdelave vaših podatkov. Prav tako imate pravico do prenosljivosti podatkov in pravico glede navodil o tem, kaj se zgodi z vašimi podatki po vaši smrti. Poleg tega imate pravico vložiti pritožbo pri nadzornem organu in pravico ne biti predmet odločitve, ki temelji izključno na avtomatizirani obdelavi, vključno s profiliranjem, ki ima za vas potencialne pravne učinke ali na vas na podoben način pomembno vpliva.