Business financial modelling
An internationally recognised best practice financial modelling methodology, underpinning all financial model developments and training courses delivered by Forvis Mazars.
As global demand for infrastructure and energy grows, we help operators, public authorities, lenders and investors meet their objectives and manage their risks. We provide support across the world, wherever they wish to procure, develop, finance, operate or own infrastructure assets.
Infrastructure plays an important role for all businesses and society, but is an area of increasing complexity. We combine technical expertise with deep sector experience to provide our clients with a single, integrated team that delivers a seamless, consistent experience in every market they are in.
We believe robust, transparent modelling is an essential foundation for all transactions. We have world-leading experience in financial modelling across the energy, infrastructure and environment sectors. Our modeling standard is recognized as a best-in-class methodology, and our experienced modelling teams train individuals and in-house teams to build robust transparent models using the Mazars standard.
Mazars is trusted by the world’s leading infrastructure and energy investors, developers and owners to provide independent assurance on their models. Our robust shadow modelling approach and methodology delivers superior results and assurance.
For transaction support, we bring together national and international experience alongside specialist expertise (such as tax, accounting and due diligence) as demanded by the needs of each client and transaction.
Our infrastructure finance team can help you with:
140 specialist staff across London, Sydney, Paris, New York, Toronto, Johannesburg, Beijing and Delhi.
Ta spletna stran uporablja piškotke.
Nekateri od teh piškotkov so potrebni za pravilno delovanje strani, drugi pa nam pomagajo analizirati spletni promet, služijo za namene oglaševanja ali za prilagoditev vaše spletne izkušnje.
Za več informacij o piškotkih, ki jih uporabljamo, preberite našo politiko zasebnosti.
Ta spletna stran ne more pravilno delovati brez teh piškotkov.
Analitični piškotki nam pomagajo izboljšati našo spletno stran z zbiranjem informacij o njeni uporabi.
Za povečanje ustreznosti naših spletnih promocijskih kampanj uporabljamo trženjske piškotke.