Mazars HR-Pedia

We are pleased to share with you our ‘Mazars-HR-pedia’ prepared by Mazars experts. It is a compendium of knowledge which outlines the HR and payroll obligations of employers in Poland.

‘Mazars-HR-pedia’ is a kind of encyclopedia ‘in a nutshell’ presenting the specifics of the HR and payroll regulations in force in our country. The aim of this brochure is to ensure that companies planning to start their business activity in Poland have easy access to practical examples and valuable information clarifying Polish legislation relative to HR and payroll. The document will also come in handy for the existing employers who wish to double-check their obligations and employees who would like to verify what they are entitled to.

The publication consists of 19 chapters. Each provides a comprehensive summary of one of the key areas in payroll and HR. These include among others, information on timesheets, parental rights, additional employee benefits, costs of employment, work and remuneration rules

‘Mazars-HR-pedia’ has been established pursuant to legislation applicable in Poland as of 1st January 2024 and provides simple examples to help understand the specifics of the regulations in Poland.




HR Pedia 2024 ENG

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