How changes in the economic environment affected the financial performance and expected credit losses of banks in Poland?

We analyzed the financial statements of 9 banks in Poland in terms of asset structure, financial results and loan portfolio quality to understand the impact of changes in the economic environment on their assets and financial results.

The analysis of expected credit losses was conducted in line with the approach adopted by Mazars Group in its report on the financial results of banks in the European market after the first half of 2021.

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The publication is available in Polish.


Key observations on the financial results of the banks in Poland after the first half of 2021 include:

- A further increase of overliquidity of the banking sector's due to deposit growth

- Change in operating cost structure by growing the share of fixed costs

- Stable level of gross book value coverage ratio by allowances for expected credit losses

- Increase in the share of Basket 1 by 1.3 percentage points and decrease in the share of Basket 3 by 0.2 percentage points in banks' loan portfolios.


Wyniki finansowe i oczekiwane straty kredytowe banków w Polsce - czerwiec 2021
