Beyond the GAAP - the monthly newsletter on financial and sustainability reporting

Each month, the newsletter Beyond the GAAP aims at keeping readers informed of financial and sustainability reporting developments.
This newsletter is available in English only.

Beyond the GAAP no. 148 - October 2020

Since the beginning, our mission for Beyond the GAAP has been to keep you informed of accounting developments and to provide clarification and insight, in an environment where changes to accounting frameworks and regulators’ activities require constant vigilance from businesses and their auditors.

The launch of our new brand provides an opportunity for us to renew our commitment to this mission, as we present the new visual identity for Mazars and Beyond the GAAP. We are proud of our wide readership and will continue to apply our expertise and analysis to shed light on accounting news.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 146 - July & August 2020

Unsurprisingly, the financial statements at 30 June 2020 that have been published to date reflect the significant impact of the COVID-19 crisis on companies’ financial positions. Given that the outlook for the second half of 2020 is still uncertain in many cases, issuers in particular will (unfortunately) need to draw once again on the guidance from standard-setters, regulators and the accounting profession issued to deal with the consequences of the crisis on the financial information.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 145 - June 2020

In contrast to the three previous issues, Beyond the GAAP is back to its traditional format this month, with no COVID-19 supplement. Things are getting back to normal as regards accountancy news, although it is expected that further statements will be published locally for instance on the consequences of the crisis on accounting for State-guaranteed loans in France.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 144 - May 2020

There is no doubt that the preparation of the 2020 interim accounts will be particularly difficult this year. Properly reflecting the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in the financial statements is certain to be the main subject of concern. Once again, this month’s COVID-19 supplement summarises the current issues to be taken into account, in particular the ESMA press release for listed entities.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 143 - April 2020

As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to disrupt business, with significant impacts expected on 2020 financial statements, various stakeholders (most especially standard-setters) are working hard to respond to this unprecedented crisis (cf. issue no. 2 of our COVID-19 supplement).

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Beyond the GAAP no. 142 - March 2020

Our last editorial touched, without wanting to believe it, on the wide repercussions we could expect from the coronavirus outbreak.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 141 - February 2020

Following the announcement of the first results for 2019 in February, companies that have not yet closed their accounts need to consider the potential implications of the current coronavirus epidemic for the disclosures required in the notes on events after the reporting period in accordance with IAS 10, as some market regulators have just recalled.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 140 - January 2020

The year 2019 drew to a close with the publication of an exposure draft proposing significant changes to the presentation of IFRS financial statements, particularly the statement of comprehensive income. Consultations will continue in the new year, with many projects listed in the IASB’s work plan.

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Beyond the GAAP no. 139 - December 2019

As the 2019 financial statements are finalised, the first-time application of IFRS 16 will have kept stakeholders on their toes right up to the last minute. This is because the IFRS Interpretations Committee did not officially clarify until 16 December how the term of certain leases should be determined.

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