The Best Annual Report 2012 – winners announced

Once again the Accountancy and Tax Institute in Poland announced the winners of „The Best Annual Report”. Mazars was the Contents Partner of the competition and a Partner of the Final Gala, which gathered over 160 board members and financial directors of listed companies.

The aim of this competition is to promote the most valuable annual reports, ones that allow shareholders and investors to make investment decisions involving minimal risk.

The Final Gala took place on Friday, 18 October in the auditorium of The Warsaw Stock Exchange.

The Jury awarded the annual reports of the following companies (in two different categories: "Enterprises" and "Banks and financial institutions"):



In the category "Enterprises" Grupa Lotos S.A. won the first place. Second place went to Tauron Polska Energia S.A., and PGNiG S.A. achieved third place.

In the category "Banks and financial institutions" PZU S.A. achieved the first place, ING Bank Śląski S.A. was ranked second and the third place went to Bank PEKAO S.A.

The classification of the main awards is the result of summing up average grades of each team judging annual reports.


1. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.

2. PKN Orlen S.A.

3. BRE Bank S.A.

4. PKO BP S.A.



In the category "Enterprises" Grupa Lotos S.A. was awarded 1st place and the best annual report online in the category "Banks and financial institutions" was published by BRE Bank S.A.


Additionaly, the Jury of the competition awarded a special prize in the following categories:

1. For the best Management report on the company's operations: Tauron Polska Energia S.A., Bank Pocztowy S.A.

2. For the best adoption of IFRS/IAS: Telekomunikacja Polska S.A.

3. For the best value of an annual report: Tauron Polska Energia S.A., Grupa Kęty S.A., PZU S.A.

4. Special prize for the best annual report published online: Impexmetal S.A., Bank Millennium S.A.

Award of the "Rachunkowość" monthly went to Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. for a significant improvement of financial statement quality in accordance with IFRS /IAS.

Special prize of public shareholding

This year the prize went to the company, which within eight years of the history of the competition gained the most points (89/100) and at the same time its annual report was the most valuable for shareholders and investors. The winner was: PKN Orlen S.A.



This year "The Best Annual Report 2012 for New Connect" competition was introduced. The Jury of the competition awarded the annual report of the company LUG S.A.


Additionaly, the Jury of the competition awarded a special prize in the following categories:

1. For the best Management report on the company's operations: LUG S.A.

2. For the best financial statement: DTP S.A.


Congratulations to all of the winners!

Fot. Marek Suchocki

Mazars is the only global audit and advisory group that publishes an annual report which includes consolidated financial statements prepared under IFRS and audited by two external auditors. The Group performs this unique exercise voluntarily to be subject to the demands of transparency itself and to publish its consolidated accounts under the same terms as its listed clients.

All our Annual Reports are available online.