BPO and SSC in Central Europe: at the cross-roads of internal and external resources
Warsaw, 6-7 October 2016, Hotel Sofitel Victoria
- Outsourcing in Central and Eastern Europe in 2016: state of affairs and comparison with other regions of the world
- Focus on the outsourcing sector in Poland and Romania
- Setting up and running shared-service centers
- Being global without losing local – the problem of national compliance
- Getting you started on the right foot with a global BPO or SSC project
CEE is no longer a place where the simplest services such as call centres or basic financial services are transferred (which was the standard 20 years ago). A large part of these elementary services are spun off and transferred to other countries so that CEE centres can focus on more advanced services, for instance, finance and accounting, IT or R&D. A significant change is an ever stronger presence of robotics in BPO and SSC. However, the conference participants agreed that at the end it is the human who will always be the ultimate authority and guardian of the correctness and quality of the automated processes.
It can be seen how dynamic the development of the BPO and SSC sector is in CEE, when you look at the 17% cumulative growth rate of employment in business services centres in the last 7 years, the result twice higher that achieved by India (8%). CEE is often chosen by foreign investors because it gives access to a wide range of qualified multilingual employees and experienced managers. Other important factors are the diversity of available locations and the economic stability of the region.
Speakers included i.a.:
- Armand Angeli – President, The International Association of Financial Executives Institutes (IAFEI), EMEA region
- Frédéric Bleuse – CFO Southern & Western Europe, Regus
- Teresa Rondomańska – Leanergy Director in FiSS Global Finance Shared Services, Schneider Electric
- Balàzs Tóth – Senior Director, GBS Controller, Viacom International Media Networks
- Marcin Nowak – Delivery Centre Director CEE, Capgemini, Head of ABSL Silesia
- Joanna Krajewska – F&A Director, GWS Operations Lead, CBRE
- Maciej Müldner, Finance Director, Skanska Property Poland
- Erick Gillier, Partner, Head of Global Accounting Solutions of Mazars group
- Michel Kiviatkowski, Managing Partner, Mazars Poland
- Dino Ebneter, Managing Partner, Mazars Romania
The conference was attended by over 130 CEO, COO, CFO, operational directors, strategy, outsourcing and IT directors and SSC and BPO managers from Western and Central and Eastern Europe.
Mazars CEE Business Forum 2016
The “Mazars CEE Business Forum”, dedicated to the current situation in BPO and SSC sector in Central and Eastern Europe took place on 6th and 7th October 2016 in Warsaw. The main conclusion is: the situation in the industry is good and it will only get better.
Our Partners
Main Partner
Institutional Partners
The Association of Business Service Leaders (ABSL), ASPIRE, Association Nationale des Directeurs Financiers et de Contrôle de Gestion (DFCG), Association France-Pologne, British Polish Chamber of Commerce (BPCC), CCI France Pologne (CCIFP), Deutsch-Polnische Industrie-und Handelskammer (AHK), International Association of Financial Executives Institutes (IAFEI), PRO PROGRESSIO Group, Scandinavian-Polish Chamber of Commerce (SPCC), Union des Français de l’Etranger
Media Patronage
Information agency Newseria, Outsourcing & More, Outsourcing Portal, CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Directory, CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards, Deutscher Outsourcing Verband e.V, Outsourcing Journal, Magazyn Rekruter