Les Rendez-vous Entreprise de Varsovie

"Les Rendez-vous Entreprise de Varsovie” is a series of business breakfasts - informal meetings of CEOs of the companies and their department managers during which a broad scope of business management issues is addressed. They are organised by Forvis Mazars in Poland and Cryptone.

The idea of “Les Rendez-vous Entreprise de Varsovie” dating back to 2000 was to gather the top management of the French companies to discuss doing business in Poland. With the course of time, the meeting formula has changed.

The meetings take place in Forvis Mazars office in Warsaw, 18, Piękna Street and last about 1.5 hour. They are held in Polish and French.

The participation is free of charge but the number of places is limited. If you wish to receive an invitation or get more information about “Les Rendez-vous Entreprise de Varsovie”, please do not hesitate to contact our Communication and Marketing Department.