40th CEE banking conference, Mazars was the green sponsor

One of the largest banking events in the CEE/CIS region, the 40th BACEE Regional Banking Conference - Risks and Opportunities in the CEE/CIS banking sector - held in full virtual form on 17 November 2020.

Mazars experts Małgorzata Pek and Virginie Mennesson were part of the afternoon session from 13:50 to 15:00 on Sustainable development, green finance – key elements of a post-COVID world. They presented highlights from Mazars' Benchmark on Responsible banking practices on how banks are embedding sustainability into their commercial practices.

The conference also covered other topics such as:

  • COVID-19 in CEE/CIS – update from the first hands (Live broadcast from CEE capitals)
  • The pandemic’s impact on the region’s financial sector
  • Winning bank strategies in the era of COVID-19
  • Trade finance
  • Sustainable development, green finance – key elements of a post-COVID world
  • Digitalisation, data management, cyber security

For more information about the conference, please visit the conference website.

The conference took place virtually on 17 November 2020.

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