Global Tax Webinar Series

The Covid-19 pandemic is reshaping global economies and societies in an unprecedented manner.

Lockdowns, travel bans and other consequences of Covid-19 has led to a wide variety of tax issues for businesses in all industry sectors.

To support your business, we regularly host global tax webinars where Mazars' tax experts from Europe, Africa, Asia, North America and Latin America discuss the impact of Covid-19 on tax around the world, and business-related issues that have arisen as a result of the crisis. 

We invite you to join our webinars to obtain insights in how to manage your business today and plan for tomorrow.

Upcoming Global Tax Webinars





10th November,

2 pm (CET)

The impact of Covid-19 on transfer pricing

Discussing how multinationals should treat money received from government aid, how to find comparable data for valuing intercompany transactions, and whether losses can be attributed to low-risk distributors, service providers and manufacturers.

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18th November,

2 pm (CET)

Joint tax audit and ICAP

Addressing the aims, the legal background and experiences of cross border tax audits and the OECD International Compliance Assurance Program (ICAP).

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19th November,

2 pm (CET)

Partial unemployment regulations in Europe

Understanding the legal and practical aspects of partial employment from a process and control perspective. A must-attend webinar for legal and compliance directors, as well as HR and CFOs.

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24th November,

8 pm (CET)

11 am (PST)

12 pm (MST)

1 pm (CST)

2 pm (EST)

Partial unemployment regulations in America

Employment stimulus programmes in the USA: how can USA companies maximise the stimulus available for maintaining employment during the Covid-19 pandemic?              

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26th November,

8 am (CET)

3 pm (SGT)

Partial unemployment regulations in Asia              

Exploring the applicable legislation in Australia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam, and delving into diagnostic and risk management propositions.

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1st December,

8 am (CET)

3 pm (SGT)

Ecommerce and digital taxation

Understanding the regional and global tax measures and risks, and looking at how the digital world and digital taxation will impact existing conventional business operational models.

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3rd December,

8 pm (CET)

2 pm (EST)

Loan management

Assessing the financial impact of Covid-19 in developing realistic projections of profit levels and cash flows to allow management to continually assess the scale of the crisis and implement the necessary mitigating actions.

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8th December,

10 am (CET)

Directors Taxation, Covid-19 Impact & P.E. Issues

Discussing the international taxation principles that apply to directors. How does this compare to ‘normal’ employees? Does place of residence or work increase the risk for companies of having a permanent establishment?


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8th December

3 pm (BRT)

Directors Taxation, Covid-19 Impact & P.E. Issues

Discussing the international taxation principles that apply to directors. How does this compare to ‘normal’ employees? Does place of residence or work increase the risk for companies of having a permanent establishment?

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10th December,

8 pm (CET)

2 pm (EST)

Movement of cash/cash tax minimisation tools

Assessing cash tax planning arising from the Covid-19 pandemic to optimise tax positions and minimise cash tax.

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Recorded Global Tax Webinars





24th September, 2pm (CET)

property transfer pricing in the Post-COVID-19 area

The unexpected outbreak of COVID-19 has significantly affected the global marketplace and reshaped the pricing of controlled intangible properties. This webinar will discuss the implication of an economic downturn related to cost-sharing arrangements, ongoing license arrangements, sales of intangible
property, and business restructurings. Mazars global TP experts will discuss key areas consider while reviewing your existing transfer pricing policies to
ensure they are appropriate and effective.

View Webinar Recording

August, 2pm (CET)

Revisit your intercompany debt financing and interest rate

As European countries begin to ease their lockdowns and we have been learning to adopt the “new normal life”, MNEs still face certain challenges and significant operational disruption due to the policies implemented to alleviate the impact of COVID-19. These challenges could significantly increase operational and financial risks for businesses. Mazars global TP experts explore the action, focusing on the impact on the quantum of supportable intercompany debt, as well as loan terms and interest rates, MNEs should take now to position themselves in a post-COVID-19 world.

View Webinar Recording

14th July  2020, 2PM (CET)

Post COVID-19: How to help your group adapt to recent changes driven by COVID-19

This webinar offers guidance for multinational groups to understand COVID-19 driven changes and help your thinking process as you navigate necessary changes for
your transfer pricing model. Mazars global TP experts will discuss key areas consider while reviewing your existing transfer pricing policies to ensure they are appropriate and effective.

View Webinar Recording

2nd July 2020, 2PM (CET)

Focus on the Automotive Industry

Covid-19 and the automotive industry: insights from the industry around the world to help you understand the impact of Covid-19 on this industry from a tax perspective.

View Webinar Recording 

30th June 2020, 12PM (CET)

Focus on Transfer Pricing

Will MNEs be able to apply the arm’s length standard in 2020?

View Webinar Recording

25th June 2020, 1PM (CET)

Focus on VAT and Indirect Tax

Responding to Covid-19 VAT & Indirect Tax measures: how to navigate the potential business impacts during this crisis and beyond.

View Webinar Recording

23rd June 2020, 3PM (CET)

Focus on Global Mobility

Managing your global workforce during Covid-19: an opportunity to gain control on your existing population and adapting your business to the new reality.

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18th June 2020, 3PM (CET)

Focus on Corporate Income Tax

Covid-19 and corporate income tax: guiding you through the key issues, implications and changes on CIT.

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16th June 2020, 12PM (CET)

Focus on Europe

Managing the recent tax and regulatory changes in light of Covid-19 in Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia and the United Kingdom.

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11th June 2020, 4PM (CET)

Focus on North America

Navigating the latest North American Covid-19 tax relief and economic stimulus to help protect your business.

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9th June 2020, 4PM (CET)

Focus on Latin America (English)

Exploring the tax measures to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 in Latin America.

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4th June 2020, 4PM (CET)

Focus on Latin America (Spanish)

Exploring the tax measures to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 in Latin America.

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2nd June 2020, 11AM (CET)

Focus on Asia

Understanding the key tax measures and business implications from Covid-19 in Asia.

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28th May 2020, 12PM (CET)

Focus on Africa

Addressing the tax implications and supportive measures relating to Covid-19 in: South Africa, Western Africa, Central Africa and North Africa.

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26th May 2020, 1PM (CET)

Global Tax Focus

Discussing the main tax features of the Covid-19 tax legislation in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America, and the impact of Covid-19 on Corporate Income Tax, Global Mobility, VAT & Indirect Tax and Transfer Pricing.

View Webinar Recording

6th May 2020

Transfer Pricing impacts and responses 

This webinar covered the TP implications and potential actions for businesses in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

View Webinar Recording

29th April 2020

Tax challenges for Financial Services sector

Watch our webinar on tax challenges for the financial sector where we provide insight into relevant corporate tax, indirect tax, global mobility and transfer pricing issues.

View Webinar Recording

If you have any business-critical issues you would like to discuss during the coming months, we are here to support so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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