M&A Academy - legal and financial aspects of mergers and acquisitions

A two-day online conference prepared in cooperation with Rzeczpospolita and the JDP law firm, during which our expert Jacek Byrt, Partner, Head of Financial Advisory Services, discussed topics related to business preparation for M&A transactions.

» 24/03/2021 | 9:45-15:30

» 31/03/2021 | 9:45-14:00

During the training the following issues were discussed:

Day I

  1. Business and legal preparation for M&A transactions
  2. Liability of the parties to the transaction - share deal and asset deal
  3. M&A: personal data protection and labor law

Day II

  1. Factors building the value of the enterprise - price formation
  2. M&A: taxes
  3. Restrictions on M&A transactions resulting from legal regulations and external contractual relations

Who should attend:

  • Business owners
  • CEOs
  • Board members
  • Directors of finance and accounting departments
  • Strategy and development directors
  • Lawyers
  • and all those interested in the subject of mergers and acquisitions

The training was held in Polish.

More information on www.rp.pl