Our expertise

In a fast-evolving world, businesses in the software and technology sector must rise to a number of challenges. Mazars has established a dedicated team that unites the skills of multi-disciplinary experts to provide effective support to players in the sector, both small and large enterprises, offering rapid, pragmatic and flexible solutions.

Your challenges

Businesses in the technology sector face many challenges: responding to the needs of the digital transformation, convergence, constant innovation, adapting business models, retaining talent, data protection, meeting shareholder expectations, and so on.

To tackle these issues, Mazars has set up a dedicated team and developed an offer tailored to the needs of the technology sector, bringing together innovative approaches and excellence in achievement.

Our solutions

Mazars provides financial audit and advisory services to businesses in the technology sector, but can also support you in the following areas:

Improving your performance

  • Financial optimisation: processes, mutualisation/SCSs, outsourcing
  • Optimising your WCR and cash flow management
  • Debt restructuring at the best cost-benefit ratio for shareholders, modelling the scenarios and limiting covenant issues.

Controlling your risks

  • Auditing your information systems,  including the use of data analytics
  • Strengthening the level of internal controls 
  • Protecting your customer information, confidential data and IT assets (especially against a background  where the cloud computing is becoming a must)
  • Reviewing your methods of revenue recognition  (IFRS 15)
  • Preventing and tackling fraud.

Supporting your development

  • Supporting you in your international expansion
  • Supporting you in your initial public offering
  • Helping you to take decisions during transactions
  • Providing third party assurance services – SOC 1, SOC 2 and ISAE 3402.

The Mazars advantages

  • A single point of entry with access to a panel of diversified expertise: audit, advisory, accounting, tax and legal services
  • Stronger customer service through close relationships aligned to your business culture
  • Exceptional international coordination through an integrated network, guaranteeing the same service quality internationally, whatever the size of your company
  • Access to benchmarks and best practices in your sector, thanks to our experience and in-depth understanding of the issues that most affect your business
  • Innovation to bring you the best possible service. Our Mazars Lab, for example, is an “open innovation” initiative, offering new technologies to optimise our audit work, whether in the analysis of Big Data, revenues or other more specific areas.

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