Our expertise

The global media industry learned how important it is for companies to remain flexible in order to quickly adapt to the unexpected. In a challenging and uncertain economic environment defined by the digital revolution and shaken by the economic growth of newly expanding foreign media markets, the decision making process of companies must be faster and significant changes in the media sector are on-going.

In response to these challenges, Forvis Mazars has developed specific skills and tailor-made solutions to help companies to embrace the opportunities offered by the new digital age.

Our solutions to help companies from Media sector to achieve their goals

Securing your operations

  • Manage internal control and risks 
  • Implementing an IT strategy to manage breaches in technology, security or privacy
  • Compliance and reputation risk management
  • Exchange and advertising market prices
  • Dependence on third parts
  • Anti-corruption systems implementation support, optimization and certification
  • Barter management

Meeting financial reporting obligations | Improving financial communications

  • Financial audit
  • Business assets valuation
  • Ensure accuracy of published financial information (French GAAP, IFRS, US GAAP)
  • Accounting support

Seizing market opportunities

  • Predicting customer demand
  • Financial advisory (capital increase, initial public offering…)
  • Competition and consolidation in the sector, external growth and strategic partnership (assistance and advisory in M&A & due diligences…)
  • Financial, legal and tax support for the establishment of subsidiaries abroad
  • Support in safeguarding, structuring, optimizing, and documenting transfer prices

Improving your performance

  • Audit of third party agreements (audit of guarantees, audit of sales incentive contracts…)
  • WCR and cash management optimization and advice
  • Reverse factoring programs optimization and implementation assistance
  • Shared Services Center (SSC) support and optimization
  • Tax planning
  • Setting-up and implementing a green strategy

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